Thursday, August 24, 2017

Sgt. Dunn Novel #8, Sword of Ice Editing update


Starting on edit number 5 (of 7) tomorrow (Friday). I'm 57% done with the overall process. Finding plenty of little changes to make like improvements to a sentence here and there, but the book is beginning to take on what I call the final "look." Edits 5 -7 will focus more on typing mistakes and in some cases, just finding a better word here and there. Actually something I enjoy quite a bit.

I should have the book description ready in a few days. I need to to let a few days go by for another edit on it.

My wife, she with the dreaded red pen, gets the book tomorrow, too. Pray for me.


Monday, August 21, 2017

Edit #4 for Sgt. Dunn Novels Book 8, Sword of Ice underway

Starting Edit #4 today on my newest Sgt. Dunn Novel, Sword of Ice. After this edit, my wife attacks it with her red pen. I have to buy her a dozen! :)

She does two edits for me and is merciless, let me tell you!

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Sgt. Dunn Novel #8, Sword of Ice, Editing update

Finished edit #3 today (of 7). Added another chapter for Alan Finch, the British character who works for Winston Churchill. Had the chapter in the original plot, but for some reason or other, chose to leave it out. After 3 edits, I realized it had to be included, so I wrote that today, too.

Since, I'm done editing for the day, I might turn my attention to the Author's notes and the Acknowledgements. 

Or I might work on ideas for Sgt. Dunn number 9!

Thanks for stopping by today!