Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day

Please take a moment today to give thanks for those men and women who have served and given their all for our country. Keep their families in your hearts and prayers.

We watched PBS's Washington D.C. Memorial Day concert last night and were, as always, brought to tears by the stories told.

My old flag was starting to fray at the bottom, so I bought a new American flag Saturday and have it flying today. What a great country we live in.

With respect,


My family members who served in WWII

Amos Munsterman – U.S. Army, Silver Star
Olga Munsterman – U.S. Coast Guard
Hugo Munsterman – U.S. Army, Bronze Star, Purple Heart
Maxwell Elder – U.S. Army

Lester Knisley – U.S. Navy

Served Post WWII

Norman Munsterman – U.S. Army